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  • Date of update:2021-12-13
  • Date of inspection:2024-06-14

In order to provide real-time and complete service for public, TaiwanJobs offer a year-round 0800-777-888 toll-free hotline, 24H telephone counseling service, people can simply dial the phone at anytime, anywhere. Whether it is employment, training, certification, entrepreneurship and disability employment issues, you can quickly obtain the relevant information by telephone, Internet, fax or e-mail.

In addition, TaiwanJobs customer service staff will take initiative to care job seekers situation regularly, and provide appropriate referral services, including online matchmaking or referred to employment agency for further guidance. If you encounter a problem cannot be answered immediately, the customer service staff can use the "evacuation system”, pass the question to Workforce Development Agency business units, so that people can get the full service.

About customer service combined with the network, TaiwanJobs is the first using "Internet Messenger Service" of government websites, people can talk online, web synchronization, web PUSH and other service functions by system, so that when users encounter difficulties by operating the website, they can transfer the web page through web synchronization immediately to call center, customer service staff can quickly determine the problem and assist users, to achieve ours service purposes "technology made employment services easily, recruitment and recruiters is really easy".