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  • Date of update:2024-04-16
  • Vocational Training Projects for Partner Countries
    In line with diplomatic strategies and commissioned by the International Cooperation and Development Foundation (ICDF), various vocational training programs are strategically planned based on the regional development characteristics of partner countries. Courses cover both theoretical aspects and hands-on skills, with an extension to micro-enterprise development, fundraising, and business management. Participants also undertake field visits to domestic micro-enterprises and engage in discussions with entrepreneurs, gaining valuable insights into the entire process of entrepreneurial preparation and the establishment of business models.
  • Eswatini Technical and Vocational Skills Certification Enhancement Project
    Since 2022, commissioned by the International Cooperation and Development Foundation (ICDF), Workforce Development Agency has been assisting in enhancing the certification skills of key professions in Eswatini to meet the needs of industrial development. The project includes professions such as refrigeration and air conditioning, culinary tourism (western cuisine), welding, automotive repair, mechanical assembly and electronic instrumentation, etc. Through training the Eswatiese trainers in Taiwan, establishing skill assessment facilities and procuring equipment in Eswatini, we assist in enhancing Eswatini’s vocational skills assessment system.