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  • Date of update:2024-01-12
  • Date of inspection:2024-12-16

Occupational training for people with disabilities

To assist people with disabilities, an exclusively professional and multi-channel occupational training is provided according to their needs in order to enhance their professional and technical abilities. To stabilize their lives during the training period, a subsidy of a living allowance is granted. In addition, a number of learning sites are also provided with web-based courses.


In accordance with the provisions of Article 33 and Article 35 of the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act and the occupational training program for people with disabilities launched by this Ministry.


To assist people with disabilities to improve their work skills and to enhance their competitiveness in employment.

Implementation methods

  1. Exclusive occupational training for people with disabilities
    1. Open exclusive occupational training based on the extents and categories of disabilities. During the training period, in addition to special occupation training based on the characteristics of people with disabilities, there are also counseling staff at sites to provide and counsel appropriately auxiliary equipment to help training. After the completion of training, there are dedicated personnel to provide employment counseling in order to enhance their employment competitiveness.
    2. Free of charge
    3. Training methods: adopt two ways of pre-employment training and on-the-job training.
    4. Participants: 15-years-old or more or have graduated from junior high school and hold a disability card or certificate with self-care ability as well as employment potential to participate in the occupational training after being evaluated.
  2. Multiple-channel occupational training for people with disabilities
    1. To enable people with disabilities to have equal opportunity and a variety of channels to participate in, the occupational training, which is also available to the general public, expels the barriers in training participation by providing an accessible training site, teaching aids and sign language translation to give people with disabilities more choices in training categories, time and location so as to increase their employment competitiveness through the coordinated pre-employment or on-the-job training.
    2. Free on self-paid part or fully subsidized training costs.
    3. Participants: 15 years old (inclusive) or more of unemployed or employed people with disabilities who are willing to work but feel they have insufficient work skills.
  3. Living allowance of occupational training
    1. Provide living allowance for people with disabilities who participate in the full-time occupational cultivation training to stabilize their lives during the training period.
    2. Applicable objects: people who hold the disability card or certificate and participate in the full-time occupational cultivation training (people on involuntary leave should be given priority to apply for the occupational training living allowance as stipulated in the Employment Insurance Act)
    3. Allowance payment standard: According to the provisions in “Regulations for the Implementation of the Employment Promotion Allowances”, the occupational training living allowance shall be 60% of the monthly wage of for up to one year.
  4. Digital learning site – accessible e-network
    1. To facilitate people with disabilities to overcome the time-space barrier through Internet learning, the first online learning platform in line with the barrier-free webpage Accessible e-network " has been developed and constructed for people with disabilities to enable them to more smoothly enter into the website to obtain course information without being restricted by visual, audio, activity and other barriers.
    2. A series of courses including workplace functions, computer documents, web design, and computer software technician has been set up and is operated as a class with teaching assistants and mentors in each class as well as regular counseling times and synchronous teaching activities. Class enrollment is conducted every year.
    3. Enrolment object: at least 15 years old with disability card or certificate.