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  • Date of update:2024-01-12
  • Date of inspection:2023-12-12

Professional personnel of occupational reconstruction services for people with disabilities.  In order to absorb talent to introduce into the occupational reconstruction service work, the Ministry promotes the system, stipulates appointment qualifications, professional training and continuing education for the professional personnel of occupational reconstruction for people with disabilities.


To enhance the professional function and service quality of professional personnel for the employment of people with disabilities.


In accordance with the provisions of Articles 35 and 37 of the “People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act”, and the appointment and training guidelines for professional personnel of the occupational reconstruction service.

Implementation methods

  1. Qualifications certification Those who are willing to engage in occupational reconstruction services for people with disabilities may, in accordance with the regulations prescribed in the appointment and training guidelines for professional personnel of the occupational reconstruction service, apply for qualification certification to professional units commissioned by the Ministry through academic and job experience or professional training hours along with relevant documents to obtain professional qualifications.
    For relevant application methods, please refer to Management System of Professional Personnel of Occupational Reconstruction Services for Persons with Disabilities:
    Management System of Professional Personnel of Occupational Reconstruction Services for Persons with Disabilities
  2. Professional training and continuing education
    After obtaining the professional qualification, in addition to having competed a certain relevant training hours within one (1) year after being appointed to start providing service, a 90-hour continuing educational course shall also be completed every three (3) years for the continuation of service provision.
    For relevant course information, please contact the Management System of Professional Personnel of Occupational Reconstruction Services for Persons with Disabilities:
    Management System of Professional Personnel of Occupational Reconstruction Services for Persons with Disabilities