Introduction to Occupational Competency Standard (OCS)
As described in Article 18 of the Industrial Innovation Act, occupational competency standard refers to the combination of abilities required for achieving the main tasks of particular occupations (or careers).This concept is developed by the central competent business authority or the relevant approved unit. The combination of competencies should include a holistic presentation of occupational competency content for the particular occupation (or kind of career), such as main tasks, behavioral indicators, work output, corresponding knowledge, and technology…etc.
In the classification of occupational competency, it is the professional occupational competency, which describes itself as the ability of the staff to engage in the specific professional work (according to the department). In the connotation of the industrial occupational competency standard, the construction of occupational competency must take into account the forward-looking and future of the industrial development, and give consideration to the commonality of the requirements for the professional talents’ ability expected by the different enterprises in the industry, and the necessity to respond to the ability of the occupation (professional). As a result, occupational competency is not limited to specific work tasks. Instead, it frames their scope of work to describe and develop their work tasks with an occupational or kind of career category composed of a number of occupational competency standard units. This demonstrates the ability connotation of commonality and necessity required by the categorization of the industry.