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Choose products from sheltered workshops,you will have a Happy New Year
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Employment Services for People with Disabilities and Disadvantages Division

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There may be sheltered workshops that you have not noticed at your side,disability focus on work, in order to provide customer satisfaction products and services. Sheltered workshop is to help Disability learn the skills,and then independent, improve their lives. It's going to be new year now,the Workforce Development Agency appeals to the public to purchase products in sheltered workshop.It's good waiting for you to see. Choose goods in sheltered workshops, so that you will have a Happy New Year.

The Workforce Development Agency will provide Series of marketing activities Coming February to September this year. Your Mobile phone download" Mind Point" APP,and find the location of the designated sheltered workshop.

Visiting the sheltered workshops will be able to have points to change gifts. Let's work together to find sheltered workshops around us.You will feel products from sheltered workshops are very good.