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  • Publish Unit:Planning Division
  • Date of inspection:2024-05-14
  • HitCount:81

In recent years, climate change has impacted the global environment, and achieving net zero emissions has become an international trend. To assist industries in cultivating green talents during green transition, Workforce Development Agency (WDA) of the Ministry of Labor organized the "Actions for Net Zero- Global Trends for Green Industries and Workforce International Forum" on July 11 2023. Representatives from domestic and international experts were invited to exchange ideas, focusing on green industry trends and talent cultivation.


Furthermore, in July 2023, WDA proposed the "THE ROPES: Cultivating Green Tech Talent for the Sustainable Future" project in APEC. An international workshop will be held in September 2024, to jointly explore the phenomenon of talents shortage in green technology with APEC member economies. Discussions will also address how to acquire new skills and increase employment opportunities for vulnerable groups. Additionally, best practices will be collected to support talent cultivation and achieving net zero emissions goals.