In response to the global pandemic impact and in order to showcase the achievements and advancement in Taiwan digital healthcare industry, Workforce Development Agency (WDA), Ministry of Labor (MOL), has organized the “ASD-CBA Project: Promoting APEC Innovative Caregiving through Digital Upskilling Workshop” on 23 and 24 September 2021. Through online virtual event, international experts and representatives in relation to vocational training and healthcare industry have been gathered to explore the measures of caretakers digital upskilling and policy recommendations.
In today’s workshop, APEC Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG) Lead Shepherd Prof. Dong Sun Park and APEC HRDWG Capacity Building Network Coordinator Rosanna Urdaneta have joined in and give their opening remarks, where both have mentioned the importance of caregiver digital upskilling in an aging society. In addition, Emmanuel A. San Andres, the Analyst from APEC Policy Support Unit, has been invited to give the keynote speech on Structural Reform and the Future of Work. Moreover, representatives from Australia, Indonesia, Peru, the Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam and Taiwan have shared their experiences and best practices regarding the healthcare industry digital upskilling respectively.
The Director General of Workforce Development Agency (WDA), Mr. Tsai Meng Liang, mentioned in the Workshop that due to the rapid change in technology and the spread of pandemic, the labor market now faces new challenges of transformation on traditional jobs, yet it also creates new opportunities of working style. Today, countries have been trying to harness the core skills for the future of work, and to build workforce that could keep pace with the quick change. In addition, cross-cutting resources have been used for planning of feasible programs.
WDA indicates that “ASD-CBA APEC Innovative Caregiving through Digital Upskilling” project has been funded by APEC, showing great supports from member economies, and we plan to develop competency-based training program for caregiver digital upskilling. Therefore, beside of international experience exchange, the current updates and achievements of the training program have also been shared, as a contribution and demonstration of Taiwan advanced ICT industry to the Region.
WDA has long been an active and close partner to APEC member economies in relation to vocational training and skills development. Through APEC, we will continue to deepen the cooperation with regional allies to promote shared prosperity and inclusive economic growth. Today’s Workshop may serve as a dialogue platform, connecting talents and markets. The experiences and best practices shared today may be beneficial to APEC economies in reinforcing vocational training and digital upskilling in health industry.